Content Writing & AI Tools

Mastering Digital Platforms and AI

Weekly Hours: 2 + 2

Total Hours: 48

Duration: 3 Months

Course Incharge
Haris Alam
Course Description

Content writing course lets you deal with the growing complexities associated with content writing;we make you enable to cross these hurdles with ease. Moreover, a content writing course focuses training you to write on a variety of topics. You get a lot of improvement at the end of the days you keep on learning, applying and improving the tactics. Hence, from brainstorming techniques to creating an impactful copy; this course covers all the relevant tools and inclusive insights to help you grow and strengthen your learning curve.

What you will learn

Course Outline

Grading Criteria
Particulars Marks (%)
Quizzes 20
Class Participation/ Attendance 15
Projects 25
Final Projects 40
Total 100